Some of these articles were written for (now defunct) in 2012-2016 during the boom of cheap Dingux-based handhelds. Unfortunately, the site was abandoned since January 2019, so putting the information here for safety.
- - Compiling mips toolchain with Crosstool-ng under Cygwin - by Dmitry Smagin
- - GCW Zero OpenDingux emulation in Qemu - by Dmitry Smagin
- - Dingoo A320 OpenDingux emulation in Qemu - by Dmitry Smagin
- - Ritmix RZX-50 - Модификация заводской прошивки Dingux от 2014.05.18 - by Dmitry Smagin
- - Making of 'The Last Mission' remake - by Dmitry Smagin
- - Ritmix RZX-50 - Исследование стандартной прошивки - by Dmitry Smagin
- - Установка Hakyll на Debian - by Antony Pavlov
- - Gaming devices based on Ingenic JZ47xx socs - by Dmitry Smagin
- - Ritmix RZX-50 - Замена внутренней sd-карты как борьба с микрозависаниями - by Dmitry Smagin
- - Ritmix RZX-50 - Самостоятельное изготовление переходника USB-UART - by Dmitry Smagin
- - Dingoo A320E - Обзор - by Antony Pavlov
- - Rimix RZX-50 - Доступ к консоли U-Boot - by Antony Pavlov